Geo-Drilling Events Database

The Geo-Drilling Events (GDE) database is an interactive database capturing drilling events from past wells providing a better understanding of drilling hazards in the Dutch subsurface. Sharing its knowledge of the Dutch subsurface, facilities and economics with interested stakeholders, the regulator through its unique position as a participant in 200+ exploration and production licenses, has access to a vast amount of data.

WellSpec is proud to be a part of putting together the Geo-Drilling Events database, one of the 4 current databases on the regulator's platform.

The Geo-Drilling Events (GDE) database is freely accessible for operators active in the Dutch subsurface. It contains drilling event information from existing wells and provides a better understanding of GDEs and hazards in the Dutch subsurface. GDEs are those events for which a significant geological component contributed to the cause of the incident.

The information in the database can help to:

  • Improve well safety and the reduction of non-productive time and well costs
  • Provide a better understanding of geological drilling hazards in the Dutch subsurface
  • Learn from past geological incidents by analyzing public data

Around 1100 GDEs in approximately 930 on- and offshore wells have been analyzed and QC’ed. More will be added over time.

WellSpec worked to put this database together for the regulator.